Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Flood Your Heart with Joy. Expect My doing, My works and My life

I felt God speak to me recently..

"Flood your heart with Joy. Expectations of My doing, My being, My works and life."

Faith is Expecting the Positive, the Good. It brings Life - the Life and Breathe of God. Brings Hope and Joy.

Fear is expecting evil, worse, & magnifying the enemy and making the enemy look great.

Face it - you can!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fear of Rejection

It could be is the source of Childhood Fears. If you weren't loved and filled with acceptance when you're a child, you're likely to grow up twisted, weird and even perverted. This lack during childhood years would cause you to have a fear of rejection.

Fear of rejection binds you. You'll never fufil your full potential. You'll be bound until you overcome that fear.

Face it. Deal with it.

Types of Fear

Today, i heard from Peter Tan, a well-known teacher, that there are 3 types of fears:

Fear is Absence of something - a knowledge, an understanding, of faith.

Just like absence of light, there will be darkness. Isn't this interesting?

Some fears arise because you don't have faith in God.

Monday, May 18, 2009

You Don't Have To Be Afraid

Are you afraid of standing in front of people?

I do.

Do you feel your hands start to shake and heart thump up when you are fearful?

I have.

Fear is indeed a monster. Well, no more than a perceived monster that feeds on your mind.

You tend to imagine the Worst, it Expects Bad things to happen. It feeds on lack of faith...

However, we can slay it. We can overcome it. We can overcome it. With God's help!

How to Overcome Public Speaking Fears

Do you have fear of public speaking?

Laura Whitelaw mentioned that many books have been written and courses developed to help people overcome public speaking fears. She has done some good research and made a point that "Practice can often help people to become successful at public speaking and so many people choose to join organizations such as Toastmasters. There are also many simple exercises that people can perform to help them become more confident at public speaking."

Here's what she found:
Top 10 Fears in America
Many people fear public speaking and it's been said that often, people fear public speaking more than death itself. Below are the top 10 fears of Americans according to a February 2001 Gallop Poll of 1,016 respondents.

1. Snakes - 51%
2. Speaking in public - 40%
3. Heights - 36%
4. Being closed in a small space - 34%
5. Spiders and insects - 27%
6. Needles and getting shots - 21%
7. Mice - 20%
8. Flying on a plane - 18%
9. Dogs - 11%
10. Thunder and lightning - 11%

Say, maybe that's why the movie, "Snakes on a Plane" made for such a great horror movie - LOL!

Release Your Fears with ZPoint
ZPoint is also very effective at helping people overcome public speaking fears. This energy clearing technique is a remarkable process that works at a very deep level of the subconscious mind. The process uses a cue word and when you repeat your cue word like a mantra after the practitioner repeats various statements, you release deeper and deeper layers of upset and eventually peel away all the layers of the "onion" of anxiety.

Picture Them in Their Underwear
Last week, my ten year old son had to do a school presentation on Medieval Monks. The morning of the presentation, he expressed that he felt anxious about presenting to his class. I had taken him through the ZPoint process before and so I suggested he repeat his "cue word" silently to himself several times while he focuses on his nervousness before he does his presentation. Then, I suggested that once he gets in front of the classroom, he could always try picturing everyone in the underwear which of course made him laugh.

Results from using ZPoint to Clear Public Speaking Fears
The end of the school day arrived and as I was walking home from the bus with my son, I asked him how his presentation went. He said, "Mum, I did what you said, I repeated my cue word before I had to get up in front of the class and I felt fine when I got up there. I didn't feel nervous at all and didn't even have to picture anyone in their underwear! And, everyone liked my presentation, even my teacher." I love how quickly and effectively energy techniques work with children. If only I knew about this stuff when I was his age.

Overcome Fear of Decision Making

Here's an interesting article... written by Lee Horton.

Rebecca was at a point in her marriage where dissatisfaction was turning into hopelessness. She recognized many good qualities in her husband, but their relationship had grown cold and distant. Her efforts to bring about change had been met with little effort. She understood that he did not want a divorce, but she was also sure that he didn't want the type of marriage she needed. Yet, when she thought of announcing her desire to divorce, she became fearful and her fear kept her from acting on the pain she felt in her marriage. Fear can interfere with effective decision making. Fears can be realistic warnings or irrational stumbling blocks to making a change in your life. When do we change? We will take the risk of changing when the pain of the situation is equal to the fear of the change. If your fear is unrealistically high, then you will tend to tolerate too much pain.

Healthy fear is the desire to avoid something that is unhealthy.Unhealthy fear involves catastrophic beliefs about the future.

Are your biggest fears due to outcomes based on realistic predictions or a response to fantasizing about the worst possible outcome? Such unrealistic beliefs can bind you from making a decision.
Look at your life ten years form now. How do you want it to be? What changes do you predict? Now look back ten years. Could you have predicted some, most or all of the changes that have occurred in the past ten years?

·Allow yourself to seek out information about all of the options you face.
·Give yourself time to go through the entire decision-making process; don't jump to conclusions because the process is uncomfortable.
·Avoid undo pressure from others.
·Take responsibility for the decision; avoid letting others' response be the deciding force.
·Reach out to others for support and the knowledge that you do not always have to be right in order to be accepted.
·Be honest with yourself; evaluate the basis of your fears and determine whether they are grounded in healthy concern or unrealistic beliefs.

If you buy a car on an impulse and the car ends up being a poor choice, you will regret the decision and the way you made the decision. On the other hand, if you search out information and thoroughly research the cars and your needs, then you will can still end up with a lemon, but you won't regret how you made the decision. Take time to examine whether fear interferes with your ability to make a good decision.

Do you have fear of decision making? How do you deal with it?

How to Overcome Fear and Develop Courage

Rena Williams wrote an interesting piece. She says that developing the habit of courage may perhaps be one of life's greatest challenges. On the other hand, fear is considered and always will be the greatest enemy of man kind.

There are two types of fear. First, the emotion of fear, which is a natural emotion that we all have. Then there's a reality of what we fear, which is what leads to much of our stress, anxiety, and unhappiness in life.

Once the habit of courage is developed within us, along with rock solid self-confidence, new possibilities begin to open up for us. Just imagine for a moment what you would be, do, or have if you were not afraid of anything. Your accomplishments would be endless.

If your courage hasn't developed yet, don't worry, the habit of courage can be learned. It is no different than learning any other skill such as reading, dancing, riding a bike, sewing, or networking. The pattern is exactly the same. We must work hard at diminishing fear while at the same time strive harder to build the kind of courage that's going to help us deal fearlessly with life's ups and downs.

Unfortunately, troubles in life is something we can't escape. Jesus said as long as we are in the world to expect trouble. Not only expect it, but to count it all joy. He overcame every obstacle, so can we. So, expect them and be ready to deal with them head on, with a knowing that you can't be defeated. When we approach our problems with this attitude it leads us to victory.

The starting point in overcoming fear and developing courage is to search out the root cause. More times than not, we will discover that it all started with an episode from our childhood. Childhood conditioning and experiences that led to fear of failure or fear of rejection. Many years of hearing don't, you can't, you shouldn't, no wonder we grew up thinking "I can't, or I have to."

Based on those fears alone we find ourselves afraid to do anything in life that others might disapprove of. Therefore we become paralyze with fear that hold us back from taking proper actions toward reaching our goals and dreams.

Knowledge is power. The more information we tend to know about a particular topic, the more courageous and confident we feel in that area.

Courage is resistance to fear or the mastery of fear, not the absence of it. We are all afraid of something. This is normal. The solution to fear comes with "how do you deal with it?"

You can begin the process by taking actions consistent with the behaviors of courage. I'm sure you have heard it said that the future belong to the risk takers not the security seekers. Have the galls to begin a process to overcome fear. Launch out, step out on faith. It takes courage to try a new thing or move out of your comfort zone. Especially when there are no guarantee of your success.

Action takes courage. The courage to endure, to persist and stay at it once you began. It takes courage to be on purpose with your goals.

The master of fear and the development of courage is essential for a happy and successful life. Taking action toward acquiring the habit of courage, you'll find that you will eventually reach the point where fear will no longer play a major role in your decision making. Then comes the confidence of knowing you can attain goals and challenges with calmness and self assurance.